I am going to attempt to make every Wednesday a list of things that I have known but teaching has certainly solidified. So here goes my first Wednesday. This may be long considering it has been an eye opening first 3 weeks.
**I hate being late. I leave my house by 6:30 every morning to be to school by 7:05. I don't have students until 8:25.
**I am an organized person. I hate feeling unorganized. When I am, I get easily frustrated.
**I am a neat freak but I am not a clean freak. My things are almost always picked up....that does not mean things are clean. My house has lots of dog hair. My classroom has lots of dirt and dust.
**I need a early morning workout. It gets my day started and gives me a chance to clear my head. With me leaving for school so early, this hasn't happened as much as I would like it to. I try and get up at 4:30 to head to town to run. If I don't get it done before school it isn't likely to happen. If I don't get a workout in at all, I am normally grumpy.
**I love my dogs! After a long day at school, I am always excited to come home and see them. Right now, I have 7 dogs at home. While I love having 4 puppies around, I am excited for them to go to their new homes in two weeks. I will be sad to see them leave. I have promised my students that if they work hard for me all week I will bring them to share next week.
**I have the sleep schedule of a 7 year old. I like being in bed before nine and I am ready to get up by 5. I always set my alarm 20 minutes early though and push my snooze several times before getting up. I enjoy getting to lay in bed.
**I am a list maker. Making a list is the first thing I do when I get to school and normally the first thing I do what I come home from school.
**I am a planner but I am flexible. I always have a plan for my day and try and get those things done. If they don't, I have no problem pushing them to tomorrow.
** With that, I type up daily lesson plans. I feel more prepared this way. They are typed, printed, and on my clip board each and every day before I leave my classroom.
**I am EXTREMELY competitive. I hate getting beat. I hate getting second. I hate getting beat by boys. And most of all, I hate getting beat by my brother. If you beat me, you can guarantee I will work my butt off to not let it happen again. I wish some of my students had a little more competitiveness in them.
**I try to be healthy but when it comes to ice cream. I have NO control. None. Ditto. Zilch.
**Brain food is necessary. My students think so as well and they ask for it every day. 7:30 to 11:45, when we eat lunch, is a long time for them and me. Around 9:30 each day, I make them promise me to work hard for the next 2 hours. If they do, which they always do, they get brain food, partially because I am in need of some. Brain food consists of a variety of things. It can be 2 Skittles, a Ritz cracker, animals crackers, or Cheerios.
**I am stubborn. I have stubborn students. If it is something I feel is important for my students to do, I will be the most stubborn.
**My biggest pet peeve so far is students not using their manners. Each student in my class WILL use their manners in a few short months. Most are very good at this. Some forget. And some just are not in the habit of using them. I have some students that would rather throw a temper tantrum than ask me please before I let them do something or give them something. I also follow them through the lunch line and make sure they say please and thank you to the cooks. Call me mean....I think this is necessary.
**I am a perfectionist. I like things done correctly and neatly. Some of my students don't know what the word neat means.
**I am easily annoyed. More so with adults as I feel they should know better. I get really annoyed though when my kids don't follow directions.
** My name is Ms. Rottink. Not teacher. Not Ms. Rottkin. If you can't figure it out, I'm going to ask you to ask a friend.
**I am a farm girl. I love small towns and I love the fact that I teach in a small town.
**I am sarcastic with my students.
**Patients is not something that most 6 year old possess. They can really try but if they get excited or I haven't gotten to them yet, they will most likely get out of their seat and come find me. I typically send them right back to their desk.
**I don't deal well with liars.
**You help me, I will help you.
**It is hard for me to watch my students make mistakes but I know that it is important to let them once in a while.
**It is okay to not know. It is NOT okay to not try. I don't normally except the answer, I forgot. You raised your hand, you're going to have to try.
**Things may be hard. Things in life are hard. If I don't let you see this, I am failing you.
Thats all I have for now. I am sure I will have more next week.
Have a great night!!
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