Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wacky/Wild Wednesday!

The days have seemed to fly by and my blogging has taken a hit!  But, I'm back for another Wednesday list of things that I have learned while teaching.

-Fair isn't always equal!  While I have always believed this, I catch myself saying it to my students all of the time.  Each one of my kiddos requires different and specific things.  Some need a reminder of how they are getting home, some need kind reminders to get back to work, some to be quiet, some one-on-one help, and some their own set of requirements and rules.  Not one thing works entirely for more than one student.

-I like LOVE this fall weather!  Nothing beats jeans and t-shirt weather!  Most of all, nothing can beat the smell of freshly cut corn stalks.  Call me weird but that is a smell that I hold dear to my heart, that is home!

-It is a relief to hear the comment, "It's cold in here."

-I LOVE driving!  My commute is 35 minutes from the minute I leave my driveway to the minute I pull into the school parking lot.  I enjoy every minute of it.  When I found out I got a job that would require some driving, I knew that I was going to have to get a different vehicle.  Being a farm kid/tom girl, I vowed I would never drive a car again and after driving three vehicles that were sticks during high school, I vowed I would never drive one again.  These both quickly went out the window as I looked around and found my Chevy Cruz.  It is a car, a small car and it is a six speed, which I also LOVE!  My morning drive gives me a chance to prep myself for the day and my drive home gives me some time to myself and to just chill.  To pass the time, I rent books on CD from the library.  There are days that I sit in my car a couple extra minutes when I get to school and when I can't wait to get to my car to start listening again.  NERD ALERT!  But, it allows me to get some "reading" in that I don't have time to do but really miss.

-I HATE tattling! "Are you telling me something because someone is hurt or are you tattling?"  That is a question that I ask several times a day as I interrupt students that come running to me.  Most of them turn away and realize they can deal with it.  Some try to continue to tattle and I cut them off.  The few left may actually have something to report.

-I don't deal well with whining or whiny voices.

-I raised my voice for the first time with my whole class due to lots of chatter after several reminders today.  I instantly had 17 sets of wide eyes staring at me.

-There are several times in each day when I wonder if the title of my blog is true or if it is actually just chaos and not organized at all.

-I learned to teach with the support of technology.  My projector is on its way......  I am lost at times.

-As much as a full day of meetings kind of stinks, I am very grateful for the time I was able to collaborate with other teachers and tweak my schedule.

-Scheduling...not my favorite thing to do!  I have had to change my media time 3 times now due to conflicts that I forgot about.

-Some children have to use the bathroom more than I could imagine.  If I drink a lot of water, I feel like one of them and I struggle to find time to use the restroom.  Small problem!

-I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off even though my days are always planned down to the minute.

-I like to change seating arrangements just as much as my students.

-Some days during recess, I catch myself staring at the wall. For the whole recess.

-We are wrapping up kindergarten review and I couldn't be more excited to be introducing new concepts.  I have seen several light bulbs click on and it is the absolute best thing about my job.

-I lose my pen 8,000 times a day.  Its so bad that if my kids see me looking around they too start looking for it.

-I haven't had a single day go exactly as planned and thats ok.  I normally miss something because my kids are doing great on something and I don't want to stop them.

-Side conversations while I'm teaching really annoy me.

-I have ate most of all of the 5 pound bag of Skittles that I had bought.  Bad idea!

-I am in a much better mood and much more patient if I run in the morning.  My alarm clock is not my best friend at 4:25 in the morning.

-I could go on and on but I'll save some for next week!  I'll try and add some things we are actually doing in my room tomorrow!

Have a great Thursday!


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