Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Life Principles

Each morning while I am getting ready at The W, the KWWL news is on.  They always have some sort of guest speaker.  It is normally some sort of financial or political expert that talks about our debt crisis, taxes, split political parties, and things that are somewhat scary, over my head, and stressful.  Occasionally they will have health experts but today they had a life coach.  She hit some great points and reminded me of my New Years Resolution that I have done a pretty good job at living up to ( or so I think).  I have been reminded of this several times in the past couple of days so decided to share!

First off, I have to give credit to our speaker at church this past weekend.  Not only did he hit some great points, he linked them directly to real life situations and explained everything in ways that we were able to relate to.  One of the many reasons I enjoy Sunday mornings.

Secondly, my New Years resolution was to make a difference.  Not only in my own life but really try hard to relay this into my kiddos' lives.  I want to be someone that people in my life see as a motivated person doing the right things.  And I especially want my class to look up to me and remember for years to come!

I decided a while back that I needed to set a couple of simple goals to follow and was so excited when I heard the life coach this morning repeat them almost exactly as I had written them down.  So here they are...

#1: You either get it or you don't!  
Simple as that although it may sound kind of blunt.   Life comes at you at full speed.  You either understand what is going on or you are confused.  If you are confused, do something about it!  By golly, don't sit on the sidelines and watch life pass you by!  This surely is only going to confuse you even more.  It has been my goal to not get passed by.  If there are things that I don't get, I have made it a point to take the time to figure them out and be responsible for moving in the right direction.  I have tried to get this across to my munchkins as well.  If another teacher or myself gives directions or a task that they don't understand, they need to ask or try to figure it out on their own!  They have to do something to get it figured out and be responsible for their own success....quitting, giving up, and not  trying hard are not options!

#2: Be willing to make the change!
This feeds well into goal number one.  As the old saying goes, don't expect change by doing the same things.  It pains me to see people complain about the same things time and time again without trying to make a change or fix the problem.  In the end, we are responsible for our own happiness.  It may require hard work, discipline, and/or both but it is normally worth it in the end!

Hopefully some of you can relate to these things and maybe take something away from it.  I felt like after being reminded of it several times, it was my time to help make a difference and pass it along as well.  More importantly, I hope I am making a positive impact on my class as I help them become well rounded 7 year olds.

I'll step off my soap box for the day though and as Rick Coleman says every morning, go out there and make this day count! :-)


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