Being a teacher doesn't mean that I am going to get to go to school to teach and only teach. There is a whole other list of jobs that I must take on during the day for my kids to be happy, safe, and successful.
**Mom or Grandma--They call me this by mistake but more often than not, they need motherly reassurance, a caring hug, and someone that they know truly cares about them.
**Nurse--Scrapes, cuts, bruise, bloody noses, vomit, accidents, tummy aches, and the list goes on. You name it--a teacher deals with it. My desk drawers a loaded with band-aids, although my kids are often mad at me because I don't give them out very easily. I often encourage them to be tough. My first year of teaching has led me to deal with flu ridden kiddos, be vomited on, clean up vomit, and have a vomit smelling classroom.
**Actress--If I think some thing is a big deal, I most certainly have 17 kids that think something is a big deal. If I am excited about something, they are most likely excited about something. If I act like I am excited about something, they are excited about something. I can be pretty dramatic as well when I read, my kiddos get a kick out of it---lightens the mood a bit!
**Lawyer--Documentation, documentation, documentation! I've never wrote down the silliest things before in my life, but I have learned that it is very important just to cover my own behind.
**Secret Keeper
**Professional Shoe Tier--Huge pet peeve!! In the middle of the year, I began telling them to all find a friend if they didn't know how because I was spending so much time doing it for them. Instead, they just walked on their laces. I now am a double knotting queen and they often can't get them untied but I figured parents would probably appreciate their child's laces not being destroyed.
**Police Officer--Rules, Rules, Shmules!
**Snack Provider
**Pants buttoner, zipperer, and tightener (Those elastic tighteners in kids' jeans are life savers!)
**Problem Solver/Mediator
**Oh! Did I mention that I like to teach as well!!
All in all, teaching wouldn't be teaching if I didn't get the oppurtunity to do all of these different things throughout the day. Working with kids is what led me to the teaching in the first place and I couldn't be more excited that I am doing what I love!