We only have 4 weeks of school after this week. Can you believe it?! I can't. It has seriously flown by. I'm not sure if I have spent it running around like a chicken with my head cut off or enjoying it more. It's a toss up. This warm weather is giving my kids all of us the itch to get outside and not be in the classroom. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't given a thought about how wonderful going to rec programs and the pool with Macy and Jace sounds.
Along with this nice weather being one of those "Ahh" moments, theres been many more. Here's a run down!
**My kids are reading! I mean, really reading and I couldn't be more proud and happier for them!! Ahh!!
**They are putting in lots of effort. Ahh!!
**They are following directions---for the most part! Ahhhhhhhh!
**They are getting better at problem solving and letting the little things go! ( I could spend my whole day micromanaging their lives like they ask.) Ahh!
**Light bulbs are flashing on all over the place in their little brains! Some of the things that I have repeated and repeated are starting to click and when they do my kiddos give me the Ahh! sound!
** My laminator! I'm a laminating fool and it makes things so nice and neat!! Ahh!
**Routines! Now that we only have 21 (Did you read that? 21!!) days of school left, we are in a pretty good routine! Ahh!
**Outside runs, yard work, tractors in the field, gardening, and so on! You name it, I like things oh-so-much-better when I can be outside. Ahhhh!
**Kerstin and I started our garden (inside for now)! Now, the guys are supposed to be building us a bed. Bets on how long it will take?
**One of my final reading endorsement classes wraps up this weekend! Ahhhhhhh!! Only one more trip to Des Moines for a while! Ahh!
**Target's new summer line with lots of sun dresses!! I may or may not have spent WAY to much money there after church on Sunday. The feeling of a hot classroom though isn't welcoming to anyone though. Ahh!
**Sandals. Enough said! Ahhh!
**My family and friends that have supported my through this first 158 days of my teaching career. I certainly couldn't have done it without you! Ahh!