Thursday, October 11, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

There are lots of times that I think about getting on here and writing a quick post but it doesn't happen near as often as I would like.  I have lots of new things to share but I think I'm just going to do some quick summaries!

**Fire Prevention Week**
We had the opportunity to walk to the fire station and take a close up look of all of the trucks and see a completely dressed fireman.  They loved this!!  I have spent quite a bit of time this week on reviewing different fire safety things as I feel it is pretty important!  I integrated it into just about every part of the day.  We are even going to write the firemen a thank-you note tomorrow during our writing time.  All of the Sumner families were invited to participate in Operation EDITH tonight to review their escape plan in case of a fire.  They are to bring back a signed form for a chance to enter a drawing for a ride in a FIRE TRUCK to or home from school!  How sweet would that be?!?!

**Living Things**
Our current science unit is called Living Things.  It has been fun to take a look at all of the different living things that are in the world around us.  Each student planted some beans a week or so ago as well in a little cup and boy do we have some plants growing.  Unfortunately I have some busy hands and several have been snapped off because my students are so excited about looking at them.  Looking takes a new meaning to 6-7 year olds and normally includes the use of little fingers.  Today we separated the plants and placed some in the dark, labeled some to not be watered, and took some out of the dirt and laid them on a paper towel.  Which ones do you think will grow? :-)

**Blending Letters**
Many of my students still sound out letters individually so we are working hard at chunking letters together or "blending" them.  This week's letter has been the "l" at the beginning or words.  It is awesome to see the light bulbs click on when they figure out they know words without having to sound them out.  We also spend a lot of time making words.  I give them a word and then we change the beginning, middle, or ending sound.  This is great until they change it to a letter that spells an inappropriate word.  I try to discretely guide them to a different letter.  Some times it works, sometimes it doesn't.  The best part is that they often don't even know it is a bad word but I don't need them going home and telling their parents the words they spelled with me.  For example, we had the word slot today and we pulled the Change the Middle Sound card.  Pick a vowel, any vowel.......what do you spell?!

Last Friday was super fun but super busy!  We weren't in my room at all except for to eat our sack lunches and watch a little bit of the movie Horton Hears a Who.  We had a carnival in the morning at the high school.  My class was paired with the one and only Jamison Steege (Gavin's little brother)!  He was our HS guide from each activity.  He did great and my kids LOVED the fact that he was Gavin's brother.  It was absolutely freezing but my kids still had fun and I didn't lose any of them in the chaos!! Whoop whoop!  I had a dream nightmare the night before that I had to call a parent to tell her that I lost her kid while we were walking to the high school.  To say the least, our first walk up there I was a little paranoid.  After lunch, we walked back up and then walked a 1K for Live Healthy Iowa with the whole elementary.  The rest of our afternoon consisted of the prep rally, parade, and all school recess.  A day full of Cougar Pride!  Gavin and I went and froze our behinds off to watch Jamison play that night.  The Cougars pulled of an impressive win over the Denver Cyclones!

**What's Next?!**
I am getting more and more nervous for the upcoming week and a half.  We have CONFERENCES!! Yikes!  I am prepared and ready to go but there is something about talking to adults that makes me nervous, extremely sweaty, and scatter brained!  I am sure they will go fine but not something I am totally comfortable with!

**Have a great Friday**


Monday, October 8, 2012


Leslie got engaged yesterday to her lover, Justin!!    She has been my best friend since forever and I consider her a sister.  I couldn't be more excited for them!  They are absolutely perfect for each other and I love seeing her so happy.  I knew they had looked at rings a while back but was super shocked and totally ecstatic when I heard the news.

To make it even better, Justin proposed in the middle of a sunflower field in Gays Mills, WI.  They were their with their families doing the whole apple orchard thing.  Just melts my heart.

 Congrats to you two!! Love you both!

And check out her ring!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! Way to go Justin!

Monday, October 1, 2012


My room is the new holder of a projector and document camera!!  Whoop whoop!!  Learning to teach with these things and then not having them is/ has been a struggle.  When our tech guy rolled into my room at 10:50 this morning, he was instantly my favorite person of the day.  He got everything installed on my computer and set up on a cart so it was functional.  We messed around with it for a couple of minutes and I was feeling pretty good about it! 

I feel as if I am normally a tech savvy person and can figure things out.  Low and behold, when I go to use these awesome pieces of technology during math, I can't get our math book to show up without a huge glare!!  Of course, I was being evaluated at the time and had to ditch the situation and move on.  Gosh darn it!!

After school, it worked just fine.  The first time. I didn't do anything different...I don't think!  Grrr!  I did have to give my students a spiel about how these things are very expensive and they are not allowed to touch any of it.  If they do, they will have to stand along the wall at recess.  That is the last thing I need, my document camera laying on the floor on pieces....

Now that I have these things though, they want to see more pictures of the puppies!  I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that Gavin brought the puppies to my classroom the day before they all went to their new homes!  It was super cute and Gavin has a new appreciation for teachers!  I'm off to get some pictures uploaded!

Have a great night and an even better Tuesday!


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Herding Chickens

We took our first field trip on Friday.  Our first stop was at the Black Hawk Children's Theatre for the play Hanzel and Grettle.  We then ate lunch outside on their back patio and began our tour of the Phelp's Youth Pavilion.  The play was awesome and our 1st and 2nd graders loved it!!1 During the play, the Hanzel and Grettle actors ran through the crowd chasing each other.  This was definitely the crowd favorite.  The day was absolutely beautiful and we got to enjoy our sack lunches outside by the river.  Luckily, the wall was high enough that they were barely able to look over and see the river.  I would have been very nervous if it wasn't as I still feared one of my kids was going to jump into the river.  They were amazed by the good ole Cedar River!

The tour of the Phelp's Youth Pavilion was one to remember!  I am generally very patient in my classroom and can tolerate quite a bit of organized chaos.  I don't mind if my room is a little bit loud if they are still learning.  There were times during this tour that I wanted to pull my hair out!  That aside, my kids had a blast!  If you haven't been to there, it's a must!  Take your kids, nieces and nephews, babysitting kids, or who ever because they will certainly love it.  Even better, it's for a great price!  The 2nd graders went to the Grout Museum so we were left with 8 adults and 51 first graders.  We split into two groups and spent a half an hour in each studio.  

My group's first studio was with the Grant Wood art.  I think this may have been a class favorite.  They were able to milk a cow, drive a tractor, take a time machine back in time, crawl in a cave and write on the walls, plant crops, dig up treasure, stack hay bales, ride in a bus, go fishing, and the list goes on.  With all of this, it is mad chaos.  It was a free for all and certainly out of my comfort zone.  My kids were having a blast though.  It was just loud with lots of children running EVERYWHERE!  I was just hoping one of my kids didn't destroy something or get lost.  This is where the title of this blog comes from.  Herding chickens!  This is how I would summarize my day.  I felt as if I was constantly herding a stray chicken, a student who was somewhere they weren't supposed to be or making some bad decisions.  I felt as if I was always counting to make sure all of my kiddos were there.  If short, I was quickly searching for my lost chicken and herding them all back together.  

Our second stop was in the miniature golf studio.  Each hole represented an artist's work.  I'm not sure any of the kids really made these connections but they certainly had fun.  It tested their ability to take turns and hold all of their excitement to just get their ball in the hole but all in all they did great.  The actual golfing part was very challenging for them as most of them have never played or held a golf club.

The third studio had art from around the word.  They could dress up and act on stage, build a house with magnetic panels and build with blocks.  At this point I was just sitting back and observing and had given up all hope of trying to keep some order!  The tour guide didn't seem to mind the unruliness so I just conformed.  The last part of this studio was the bunny hole.  This is a series of platforms and holes that takes you from the second floor to the first.  My kids wanted me to go down as well so of course I did.  Let's just say that the bunny hole is made for children, not adults.

The bus ride home was much more quiet than the ride there.  I captured several ADORABLE pictures on the way home of the munchkins sleeping on each other.  We got back with a few minutes to spare so we went outside to finish up our day.  All in all, it was a great day!  The kids had a blast and got to experience some great things.  Their teacher may have been slightly exhausted but it was well worth it. I will get some pictures up here of the all of the fun things we did in the next couple of days!

For the first time since commuting back and forth to Sumner, I had to call Gavin to stay awake on my drive home.  I couldn't have been more excited to hear him say he wanted me to rent and movie and bring home supper.  Even better, we were in bed by 9:00.  On a Friday!  And I LOVED it!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Make tomorrow great!  

"Don't count the days but instead make the days count!"


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Direction Giving

At the 1st grade level, there has to be a lot of directions.  We are learning lots of new things and getting to explore lots of things that they haven't done before.  I am good at giving very explicit instructions when I know it is a new thing.  I am not good at doing this when I think they probably know how to do it!  PROBLEM!!!!

I am sure you have all heard the saying that goes along with the word ass-u-me!

I have done this several times in the 7-8 weeks we have been in school.  Many of the things have been regular routine things that I figure should be pretty easy to accomplish.  I have been proven wrong several times, and it always results in chaos!  Take note that I do not have any technology in my room yet so showing them small details is almost impossible unless I take lots of time to draw it out on the board. I have been notified that the school now has all of this new stuff but it now needs to be installed.

Here is a list of things that you must explain to 1st graders at the beginning of the year.

--Please line up! ----------->Please WALK to the door and stand behind the person in front of you with your hands to yourself and your voice off.  Stay out of the other person's personal bubble and stand still!

--Split your paper in half with your pencil! -------------> Draw a line down the middle of your paper.  Do not put a hole through your paper and use your pencil like scissors.

--Cut on the thick black line! ------------>The thick black line runs around the outside of your paper.  You should not be cutting into the picture at all.

--Please shut your voice off! ------------> Please shut all noises off.  Humming, whistling, clucking like a chicken, and singing are all things that make noise and I am asking you to be silent

--Please be quiet! -------------> Please be SILENT!  Silent means no noise, not turn your voice to a whisper.

--Please walk in the hallway! -------------> Please use your walking feet and walking pace, not walking feet at a running pace!

--Will you take this to the office for me? ----------------> Will you please take this to the office for me?  Come straight back to the room, not visit with lunch ladies, use the restroom and/or hang out in the bathroom.

--(While doing a word sort) If it is a short vowel, place it in the short a column.  If not, place it in the trash column. -------------> If it is a short vowel, place it in the short column on your paper.  If not, place it in the trash column on your paper, not our actual classroom trash can!

I'm sure I will have more of these.  I just wanted to let you in on some of the comedy that takes place in my classroom.  While these things can be somewhat frustrating at the time, at the end of the day I always get a laugh and realize that I should have been more direct.

Hope you have had a great start to your week!  More fun things from our week to come!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wacky/Wild Wednesday!

The days have seemed to fly by and my blogging has taken a hit!  But, I'm back for another Wednesday list of things that I have learned while teaching.

-Fair isn't always equal!  While I have always believed this, I catch myself saying it to my students all of the time.  Each one of my kiddos requires different and specific things.  Some need a reminder of how they are getting home, some need kind reminders to get back to work, some to be quiet, some one-on-one help, and some their own set of requirements and rules.  Not one thing works entirely for more than one student.

-I like LOVE this fall weather!  Nothing beats jeans and t-shirt weather!  Most of all, nothing can beat the smell of freshly cut corn stalks.  Call me weird but that is a smell that I hold dear to my heart, that is home!

-It is a relief to hear the comment, "It's cold in here."

-I LOVE driving!  My commute is 35 minutes from the minute I leave my driveway to the minute I pull into the school parking lot.  I enjoy every minute of it.  When I found out I got a job that would require some driving, I knew that I was going to have to get a different vehicle.  Being a farm kid/tom girl, I vowed I would never drive a car again and after driving three vehicles that were sticks during high school, I vowed I would never drive one again.  These both quickly went out the window as I looked around and found my Chevy Cruz.  It is a car, a small car and it is a six speed, which I also LOVE!  My morning drive gives me a chance to prep myself for the day and my drive home gives me some time to myself and to just chill.  To pass the time, I rent books on CD from the library.  There are days that I sit in my car a couple extra minutes when I get to school and when I can't wait to get to my car to start listening again.  NERD ALERT!  But, it allows me to get some "reading" in that I don't have time to do but really miss.

-I HATE tattling! "Are you telling me something because someone is hurt or are you tattling?"  That is a question that I ask several times a day as I interrupt students that come running to me.  Most of them turn away and realize they can deal with it.  Some try to continue to tattle and I cut them off.  The few left may actually have something to report.

-I don't deal well with whining or whiny voices.

-I raised my voice for the first time with my whole class due to lots of chatter after several reminders today.  I instantly had 17 sets of wide eyes staring at me.

-There are several times in each day when I wonder if the title of my blog is true or if it is actually just chaos and not organized at all.

-I learned to teach with the support of technology.  My projector is on its way......  I am lost at times.

-As much as a full day of meetings kind of stinks, I am very grateful for the time I was able to collaborate with other teachers and tweak my schedule.

-Scheduling...not my favorite thing to do!  I have had to change my media time 3 times now due to conflicts that I forgot about.

-Some children have to use the bathroom more than I could imagine.  If I drink a lot of water, I feel like one of them and I struggle to find time to use the restroom.  Small problem!

-I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off even though my days are always planned down to the minute.

-I like to change seating arrangements just as much as my students.

-Some days during recess, I catch myself staring at the wall. For the whole recess.

-We are wrapping up kindergarten review and I couldn't be more excited to be introducing new concepts.  I have seen several light bulbs click on and it is the absolute best thing about my job.

-I lose my pen 8,000 times a day.  Its so bad that if my kids see me looking around they too start looking for it.

-I haven't had a single day go exactly as planned and thats ok.  I normally miss something because my kids are doing great on something and I don't want to stop them.

-Side conversations while I'm teaching really annoy me.

-I have ate most of all of the 5 pound bag of Skittles that I had bought.  Bad idea!

-I am in a much better mood and much more patient if I run in the morning.  My alarm clock is not my best friend at 4:25 in the morning.

-I could go on and on but I'll save some for next week!  I'll try and add some things we are actually doing in my room tomorrow!

Have a great Thursday!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Recess Duty

**Now that my blog isn't considered Spam any is the blog that I was going to post last Thursday.  I'll have another one tonight but thought I would get this one posted since it has just been hanging out in my dock.

I honestly look forward to recess duty.  I have it three times a week and feel like it gives me the chance to take a deep breath.  I have yet to feel overwhelmed this school year but know it will happen at some point.  I do though feel like I run around like a chicken with my head cut off some days.  I am an overly prepared person but there are days where a a 40 minute special and a couple recesses just aren't enough.  This is partially because I don't do a lot out of workbooks but more hands on things so I am constantly cutting things out and sorting.

When I get outside, there is nothing to worry about!  I walk around and watch children use their imagination in ways that I envy.  Jump ropes become rings of fire, horse and buggy reins, and once in a while get used in a good ol' round of Double Dutch, songs and all.  Groups of students scatter themselves around often huddled around and dart when you come near.  Girls and boys alike giggle and skip around.  My personal favorite is when I get asked to play, give a push on a swing, or watch how fast they can get down the slide.

We have three different sets of equipment, which leads to students spread out all over.  Its never a good thing when a group of students come sprinting at you.  It surely means that someone got hurt, or so they say, because someone else allegedly pushed, shoved, hit, or tackled.  It normally comes in the form of tattling and no one to be found that is actually hurt.

I do become a professional band-aid putter oner while on duty.  While I send a lot of students away with the phrase "I think you'll be okay.  Be tough!", there are still lots of scrapes that need to be covered.  I feel as if there are lots of clumsy children some days!

The game of kickball!  When I was in elementary, this meant you had two captains who picked teams and then one team took the field and the other kicked.  You made your own rules.  There were always disagreements but you continued play.  If you lost, you went back in and came back out next recess ready to play again.  Either I'm old or these kids haven't learned how to play that form of kickball.  Their form of kickball is to get all of the balls out of the ball cart, stand in small area, and kick the ball at  each other.  What?!  Someone always gets hit in the face.  Someone always gets hit below the belt.  And it is always because someone was being mean.  You were playing this silly game for gosh sake!  So, I took it into my own hands on Wednesday to try and teach a group of them how to play my form of kickball!  They were pretty excited and played pretty well.  They came over to me several times after I had moved on to walk around to let me know someone wasn't being fair!  They didn't like that I didn't have sympathy for them not getting their way.  I saw some tears on the way in.  I'm guessing they had lost or didn't get to play the position they wanted.  I guess I'll see if they try and play tomorrow when I'm out on duty!

Have a great night and even better Friday!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wild Wednesday!

You know it's been a wild week when...

--it takes longer to clean off your desk at the end of the day than it does to write tomorrow's lesson plans.

--students run to the bus instead of standing in line and you just laugh...with the teachers around you...instead of correcting them.

--you can't seem to get the girls' names in your room correct.  I seriously called my little sweethearts each others names all day long.  I totally blame this on my mom!  She has called me my aunts' names more often than not!

--you join in on a game of Heads Up Seven Up for a student's birthday.

--can't wait for recess duty so you can get outside to enjoy some fresh air.  More on this later but I LOVE recess duty!

--are ready for bed at 6:30.

--sit in your car, in the shed, after you get home to enjoy your book on CD because it is relaxing and requires no effort.

--dread when the phone rings fearing you completely forget to take your kids to a special.  On a plus side, I haven't done this yet, but I know I will! Knock on wood...

--have bribed your students with a surprise ALL week to get them to work at the end of the day!  The surprise comes TOMORROW!!!

--get excited for the Read Aloud before lunch because each and every student loves this part of the day!  We are on Magic Tree House Book #3: Mummies in the Morning.

--hate hearing your own voice at the end of the day.

--you have set up a schedule 10 times in 3 days and it still has conflicts.

--you tried partner work today after it failed drastically yesterday.

--you have cut out more word sorts than thought possible to get your students to tackle the short vowels.  Students that are struggling or are bored HATE doing pages out of their workbooks!  

--thrown plans totally wayside to simply practice spelling words because their test it tomorrow and knew some of them weren't going to do well.  We made paper chains with one word written on each link!  This has been one of their favorites!  I even hung them on their lockers!

--feel exhausted but so excited for tomorrow because you have great things planned!  

Hope you all had a great Wednesday!  I am off to get my daily dose of some NCIS.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Following Directions

I have never been a firm believer in kids acting differently because of the weather or a full moon.  Teaching may make me a believer.  For the most part, I consider myself really lucky.  My class listens to directions and completes them relatively accurately.  I would be lying if I said I didn't have a few that tried to push every boundary possible but a large majority are pretty good listeners.  Maybe the honey moon period is rubbing off......maybe it was the weather.  When the other 1st grade teachers commented their classes were struggling to follow directions, I didn't feel quite as bad.

There were times during the day that I felt as if they were outside at recess.
There were times during the day that I just stood in front of my class with my finger to my lips, signaling that they needed to get quiet.
There were times during the day that I just kind of laughed because I wasn't sure we were ever going to complete the task at hand.
There were times when I threatened the loss of minutes of recess.
There were times when I threatened the loss of a whole recess.

Don't get me wrong, I like LOVE collaboration!  My teaching philosophy is based on collaboration.  In the real world, you always are bouncing ideas off of others to figure out the best possible solution.  So why should we teach children in a way they will not live their life?  There are obviously times when we must do things on our own and they must do things on their own in my room as well.  But I am constantly allowing them to work with partners, ask a friend, turn to an elbow buddy and share, and work in small groups.  I make groups, I allow them to make groups, and we work as a whole.  There are benefits to all.

Today was a different story!!  They simply couldn't handle working with others.  Our room became a dull-roaring jungle.  I tried and tried to let them work together but something was off!  During my math lesson, when half of my students were talking to someone next to them instead of getting directions to work with manipulatives with a partner, I had them put everything away and pull out a piece of paper.  On the paper, they were to write their number (each student is assigned a number 1-18).  My next direction was to pass it one person to the left and write the number that was one more than the number on the paper.  This is a math skill we are working on.  Then they had to pass it to their left when I said go.  It was supposed to work out that each person ended up with their own paper.  It didn't work to say the least and I knew it wouldn't.  It fed into my game plan pretty well.  I was able to talk to them as a whole about needing to follow directions or you hold others up.  I apologized to the students that routinely follow directions and made all of them think about their direction following abilities.  If they were one that needed constant reminders, I asked that they turn their listening ears on for me...and leave them on.

All in all, I think I scared some of my students.  It may have been what needed to happen----I hope they all come back tomorrow.  Blame it on what you want but I hope I have 17 students with listening ears tomorrow!

Off to line judge a volleyball game!

Toodles!!  Sorry if there are spelling mistakes....I was typing like a mad woman and didn't go back and reread!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Darn English Language

People say that it is hard to learn another language.  I would have to agree.  I tried learning Spanish for 4 years but was certainly not ever fluent.  I can say hi, introduce myself, and ask you how you are.  My colors and numbers can be pulled out of the hat but they may not be correct.  Where am I going with this?  Spanish at least sticks to the rules. English doesn't.  The founders of the language tried for a while, tried to used some previous languages, and then just started creating words in my opinion...however they pleased.

Try explaining this to a first grader! We are working on short vowel sounds and consonant sounds.  Most of the consonants are easy and they are pretty good at.  Except for c because it can sound like a k OR an s, the g can be hard or soft, meaning it can sound like the j, k's can be silent, q must be followed by a u, and then there is the x and the z which get thrown into letters and are hard to sound out.  First graders use phonetic spelling meaning their spelling normally matches the sounds that they hear unless they have practiced and seen a word many times.

The vowels are a WHOLE other story!  All vowels have a short and a long sound.  If they are long, they say their name, most of the time.  Short vowels all have their own sound.  But guess what, you put two vowels together and they make a different sound.  Add an e to the end of the word and it makes a vowel long, sometimes.  Then we have oddball words or words that simply don't follow any rule and you just have to know how to say and spell.  We have this rule called the Bossy r with certain vowels makes a complete different sound.  The list goes on!  And while you thought you realized this, you probably take it fore granted on a daily basis that you are a fluent reader and don't have to think about every sound.

This is the life of a first grader!  At this point in the year, most of them sound out every sound of almost every word.  They did have 20 sight words last year.  These words were ones that they were expected to know at the end of the year.  They are commonly used while speaking, reading, and writing.  But that doesn't get you far while you're reading.

This is also why I have a job!  This is also why most schools want teachers to have their reading endorsement.  This stuff is tricky and there are tricks of the trade that I am still learning.  I have found some great resources on that made teaching these tricky letters though.  Many of you have heard my singing skills, because I'm not the shyest person but my students get to hear my lovely voice EVERY day!  There are songs for everything!!!  For reading strategies, letter sounds, you name it and someone has thought of a song to make it easier to remember!!

For example...The Short /o/  which goes to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus  (the / / makes mean its a sound for all of you non teachers!) thanks to Nicole Rios and her Short O Flipbook.
The sound for short o is /o/, /o/, /o/
/o/, /o/, /o/
/o/, /o/, /o/
The sound for short o is /o/, /o/, /o/
like ostrich, off, and Ozzy!

I will add some pictures of our other songs that we use another time.  I am on the wrong computer!

I'm made a little font change and color change due to some people not being able to read it..cough..cough..Paulette.  :-)  At least I know someone was reading!!!  Let me know if there is something you really want to know about.

Have a great night and even better Tuesday!!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Truly Blessed!

I can't express in one post how blessed I am/feel!  For the most part, things have worked out in my life the way I have had them planned.  Lucky, spoiled, hard work, planned, or it what you want.  I feel as it is a combination of all of them along with someone from above watching closely over me.

Today is going to be another list of things, but today will be things and people that I am happy to have in my life.  These following things are why I am a happy, go-lucky, 1st year teacher!

--My Parents!  I know this is a little cliche but I don't know what I would do without them.  They have supported me through everything. Financially. Emotionally. Etc.  I still call my mom everyday and see her several times each week.  I am a lot like her in many ways.  I feel the need to be in the know, I worry, and I like to be involved in everything.  I am much more like my dad though and almost everyone would agree.  He has been the one to push me to do my best at everything, not give up, and do the right thing, all the time.  Many of these things are some of my biggest goals for my students.  We are both easily annoyed, aren't the most patient, and raise our voices quickly.  We butt heads but he is the first person I want to tell good news!  I know they are both my biggest fans.

--Gavin!  Everyone thought we were crazy when we started dating.  I was 18. He was 24.  I was a freshman in college.  He was graduated from Wartburg and a successful contractor.  Three and a half years later, I don't know what I would do without him.  He gets the brunt of my bad days, my emotions, and my frustrations.  He is there for everything and my biggest supporter.  Hopefully one of these days, he'll get down on one knee.... :-)

--My Brother!  This boy keeps me on my toes and has taught me how to deal with those little boys with tempers.  When we were little (lets be real, till the day I moved out), we fought, we argued, and we played side by side.  There were times when I couldn't get to my room fast enough because I seriously thought he would kill me and many more days (even through high school) that we feel asleep in the same bed watching movies or scheming up something ridiculous.  He is my best friend.

--My Sister!  I will always have my very own guardian angel.  While the selfish part of me wishes I would have gotten to grow up with her visibly by my side, I know she has always and continues to be with me.

--My friends!  They have kept me out of trouble, gotten me in trouble, and gave me endless amounts of laughter and advice.  While we have all went our own ways after school, I can count on them for a good time.

--A job!  It was such a relief to get a job right out of school and close to home.  Since Gavin wasn't leaving, it had limited the places that I was applying.  It isn't just any job though.  It's a job that I love and am very happy at.  I love the people that I work with and wake up each day excited to go to work.  Everyone is very supportive and truly want me to succeed.

--My mentor!  While I had heard bad stories about the mentoring program and how much of a hassle it was, I am blessed to have an awesome mentor that is there to support me with everything.  She has helped get my curriculum materials, deal with individual students, and give me countless amounts of guidance.

--Other teachers!  The teachers that I student taught with, had field experience with, and my own personal teachers have given me gifts that I will treasure for a life time.  They are the ones that helped create my passion for children and led me down this path.

--My family and Gavin's family!  They have supported me through school and my career decisions.  They have been my cheerleaders and biggest supporters.  I can't thank them enough.

--My babysitting families!  These families took me in and made me part of their family.  I had the opportunity to spend lots of time with awesome kids and they will always be my babies.  I miss not getting to spend endless amounts of time with them but sadly, most of them are in school themselves.  I wouldn't be the teacher that I am if I had gotten to practice with them first.

The list could go on but these are the biggest things.  Please don't feel bad if you think I missed you.  You are mentioned in there somewhere or in someway.

Have a great night and an even better Friday!  Make it a good day!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wild Wednesday

I am going to attempt to make every Wednesday a list of things that I have known but teaching has certainly solidified.  So here goes my first Wednesday.  This may be long considering it has been an eye opening first 3 weeks.

**I hate being late.  I leave my house by 6:30 every morning to be to school by 7:05.  I don't have students until 8:25.

**I am an organized person.  I hate feeling unorganized.  When I am, I get easily frustrated.

**I am a neat freak but I am not a clean freak.  My things are almost always picked up....that does not mean things are clean.  My house has lots of dog hair.  My classroom has lots of dirt and dust.

**I need a early morning workout.  It gets my day started and gives me a chance to clear my head.  With me leaving for school so early, this hasn't happened as much as I would like it to.  I try and get up at 4:30 to head to town to run.  If I don't get it done before school it isn't likely to happen.  If I don't get a workout in at all, I am normally grumpy.

**I love my dogs!  After a long day at school, I am always excited to come home and see them.  Right now, I have 7 dogs at home.  While I love having 4 puppies around, I am excited for them to go to their new homes in two weeks.  I will be sad to see them leave.  I have promised my students that if they work hard for me all week I will bring them to share next week.

**I have the sleep schedule of a 7 year old.  I like being in bed before nine and I am ready to get up by 5.  I always set my alarm 20 minutes early though and push my snooze several times before getting up.  I enjoy getting to lay in bed.

**I am a list maker.  Making a list is the first thing I do when I get to school and normally the first thing I do what I come home from school.

**I am a planner but I am flexible.  I always have a plan for my day and try and get those things done.  If they don't, I have no problem pushing them to tomorrow.

** With that, I type up daily lesson plans.  I feel more prepared this way.  They are typed, printed, and on my clip board each and every day before I leave my classroom.

**I am EXTREMELY competitive.  I hate getting beat.  I hate getting second. I hate getting beat by boys.  And most of all, I hate getting beat by my brother.  If you beat me, you can guarantee I will work my butt off to not let it happen again.  I wish some of my students had a little more competitiveness in them.

**I try to be healthy but when it comes to ice cream.  I have NO control. None. Ditto. Zilch.

**Brain food is necessary.  My students think so as well and they ask for it every day.  7:30 to 11:45, when we eat lunch, is a long time for them and me.  Around 9:30 each day, I make them promise me to work hard for the next 2 hours.  If they do, which they always do, they get brain food, partially because I am in need of some.  Brain food consists of a variety of things.  It can be 2 Skittles, a Ritz cracker, animals crackers, or Cheerios.

**I am stubborn.  I have stubborn students.  If it is something I feel is important for my students to do, I will be the most stubborn.

**My biggest pet peeve so far is students not using their manners.  Each student in my class WILL use their manners in a few short months.  Most are very good at this.  Some forget.  And some just are not in the habit of using them.  I have some students that would rather throw a temper tantrum than ask me please before I let them do something or give them something.  I also follow them through the lunch line and make sure they say please and thank you to the cooks.  Call me mean....I think this is necessary.

**I am a perfectionist.  I like things done correctly and neatly.  Some of my students don't know what the word neat means.

**I am easily annoyed.  More so with adults as I feel they should know better.  I get really annoyed though when my kids don't follow directions.

** My name is Ms. Rottink.  Not teacher.  Not Ms. Rottkin.  If you can't figure it out, I'm going to ask you to ask a friend.

**I am a farm girl.  I love small towns and I love the fact that I teach in a small town.

**I am sarcastic with my students.

**Patients is not something that most 6 year old possess.  They can really try but if they get excited or I haven't gotten to them yet, they will most likely get out of their seat and come find me.  I typically send them right back to their desk.

**I don't deal well with liars.

**You help me, I will help you.

**It is hard for me to watch my students make mistakes but I know that it is important to let them once in a while.

**It is okay to not know.  It is NOT okay to not try.  I don't normally except the answer, I forgot.  You raised your hand, you're going to have to try.

**Things may be hard.  Things in life are hard.  If I don't let you see this, I am failing you.

Thats all I have for now.  I am sure I will have more next week.

Have a great night!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to the Grind

As for my long weekend, I spent it with my family shingling my grandparent's house and my parent's house.  Not a ton of fun but got to spend time with my brother, who came home from Ames for the first time, and the rest of my family.  Gavin and Mike were feeling the sunburn by yesterday.  Now back to school.

Holiday weekends are great!  Except for the day that you have to go back to your regular schedule.  That regular day would be today and I think spending three days away from school allowed all of my students to forget our schedule and routine things that we do.  Some are extremely tired but most of all, the temperature in our room makes things that much worse.  While I thought Friday was bad, today may be just as bad if not worse....and we didn't get out early!

Our need for some down time and away from others gave us a great opportunity to practice two of our Daily 5 choices: Read to Self and Read to Someone.  While a lot of the 1st graders LOVE to read with someone else and share their favorite book, I have some that strongly dislike someone else hearing them read.  That is the beauty of the Daily 5.

During our Read Aloud time right before lunch last week, I had a student ask if I would read a Magic Tree House book to them.  These chapter books are too hard for most of the 1st graders at this point but man did they love the first book when I read it to them.  We finished it before lunch and my whole class asked if we could read the next one to follow Jack and Annie's next adventure!

I'm heading out of school as soon as possible because I think my clothes are officially soaked through with sweat!  Gross, I know!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

It was a Scorcher!!

My room was the hottest it has been all week on Friday!  If we would have had to stay all day, I think I would have cried.  My students were irritable and were complaining of others looking at them.  It didn't matter how many warnings I gave there continued to be chattered.  It must have been the same in the other two 1st grade classrooms because they asked if we wanted to watch one of our safety movies before lunch.  We did get our spelling tests out of the way and that about did most of them in.  Individualized spelling lists is quite the process but so worth it.  I'll comment more on that another day.

Since we got out early, I took the chance to snap a couple of pictures of my room that I could compare with the ones I took the first time I stepped in my room.  It might have been the most overwhelming thing I've gone through.  I came into a completely empty room and didn't have a clue as to where to start.  I spent three hours in my room the first time I went and tried putting two bulletin boards up but took both of them down.  I moved my desks, stared at my blank walls, drew a diagram of my room, and drove back home.  It came a long way in about a week.

Enough of the writing are some pictures.  I need to give credit where credit is due though.  I got almost everything off of and laminated it.  My parents got me a Scotch laminator for Christmas last year and it works like a dream!  My mom also helped cut out things, sort and label books, and make curtains.  And well Gavin got to deal with me being frustrated, acting like a 1st grader when I got really excited about something, and he claims I pull out sayings on him that should only be used with 1st graders.  Ooops!

I should point out that my classroom theme is Welcome to the Jungle!

The desks were actually in rows when I showed up.  Moving them into pods like this was about the only thing I did that day.

As of Friday, this is how my desks look like.  We had a couple of issues with the pods and had to rearrange.

 The area behind my desk.  I must not have taken one of back here as it looks now.  But it is covered in all of my teaching materials.  

The sink in my room and part of the front board.  This also has gained a lot of decor in the past two weeks.  We brush our teeth everyday after lunch so they hang on the wall. 
Thanks to my mom, the cart beside the door is now covered by that awesome curtain.  I took down that black paper and covered all of my bulletin boards with fabric.  My classroom helpers is the one that you can see in the picture to the right.  The tubs on the counter are where all of my students turn things in at.

These sit by the pencil sharpener.  You can see them in the picture above.  Instead of having students sharpen their pencils all day long.  I have a Helper that does this once a day....although it doesn't look like it has been done for about a week.
Another overwhelmingly empty room picture.  I was standing in my door way and looking towards the far back corner.  On the right is the new and improved form.  

 This is now the shelf that lines the outside wall of my classroom.  With the help of my mom, each book has a sticker on the back cover that helps the students get all my books back to their correct tub.

My reading corner!  I LOVE THIS SPOT IN MY ROOM and we spend a lot of time back here.  My mom and I made the crates.  They work as seats and also storage.  I should give Gavin a little credit because he cut the boards to fit in the crates that are now covered in fabric.

The top shelves hold the rubbermaid tubs full of books.  The bottom shelf hold the baskets that I found cheap at a garage sale.  More on my garage sale extravaganzas at a later date!

A close up of the alphabet and numbers that line the top of my board.  Once again, thanks to!

 When I student taught in Waverly, my cooperating teacher, Jessica Meier, did this and I absolutely loved the idea.  Each child has their own bucket and then has someone else's name in their bucket.  On Fridays, each person writes the person in their bucket a "bucket filler".  Meaning, they write that person   something to make them feel good!

 It goes along with the book.  I read this to them the first week.  It talks about  how you can be a bucket filler or a bucket emptier by the words and actions you do to other people.  Great book!!  Jess also gave me that bucket on my last day of student teaching!

 Our daily schedule!  Hangs right beside my desk!

Our Jungle themed behavior chart.  Students can move up by making good choices and down for making poor choices.  They can move both ways throughout the whole day.

 Face of a Reader!  Holds all of our reading strategies that we are learning about dealing with, Fluency, Accuracy, Comprehension, and Expanding our Vocabulary!

 I am supposed to be getting an awesome horseshoe table to replace this one.  I will do small group work back here.  You can also see our word wall.

 The Daily 5!  More about how I run this in my room later but here is the bulletin board.  We have only gotten the chance to practice the top three at this point and in a very structured way but hopefully next week I can run this more completely and have the chance to conference with individual students.

The tac pictures are the way that I can show where each student is at in the Daily 5.  I hot glued big pushpins to names that I printed out and laminated.  You can see them in the big picture beside Read to Someone.

Calendar Math!  Takes the typical classroom calendar and adds some math skills.  I haven't used the patterned days of the month yet but will this coming week.

 and while I start my day with a clean desk.  This is how it ends up by the end of the day.  Things EVERYWHERE!

Sorry for such a long post but I wanted to get all of those added.  That's all (LOL) I have for today.  Have a great and safe Labor Day weekend!!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

1st Day Pic!

I figured it out and got some pictures uploaded!  Here's my first day of school pic.  I captured all of my kiddos in this frame as well!  

It's a little blurry but it says.."My 1st Day of 1st Grade". 

"Bear" with Me!

This whole blog thing is new to me...kind of! I would classify myself as a pretty good "blog stalker".  I read lots of blogs and often ask myself if I am being creepy because I know a lot of information about people and they have no idea that I am even reading.  It has led me to want one of my own and hope to inspire, give a laugh, and simply fill you in on parts of my day.  So here we go....

I now have TWO full weeks of teaching under my belt.  It doesn't seem possible.  I can still feel the nerves I felt as I drove to Sumner for my interview.  I was super early and toured the town.  I can still feel the awful feeling of uncertainty as I waited to find out if I got the job, I'm not sure I ever laid my phone down.  I felt so good about my interview, yet had felt that way before so was scared to let myself get excited.  I did a ridiculous happy dance after I had been offered the job and totally interrupted one of Gavin's meetings (in my swimming suit..EEK...because I was trying to lay out to pass the time) like a giddy little school girl.  I then spent the remaining part of my summer getting to do the things I had always dreamed of doing.  It began it by spending countless hours on Pinterest and and then umpteen hours laminating and cutting!  Now back to having two weeks under my belt...

It has been nothing but a dream come true.  I would be lying if I said there weren't some things that totally threw me off guard, made me want to cry, or have me completely frustrated, but those have all been minor.  There have been WAY more good things than bad and I can't wait to share some of them. First things first though, I should try and get some sleep.

I'm in the process of getting pictures loaded to this computer so you'll have to wait a bit before I become a bear due to lack of sleep.
